CREATIVITY is the soul reflected

Master Painter

Master Painter
Prairie Sunrise by Charlie Clark

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Party Time!

Spring is Nature's way of saying "Let's have a party."
—Robin Williams

Spring flowers comp

Blue Eyes, Veronica or Speedwell (left); daffodil

We're about to have a party here in Kansas. Seems like it's been a long time coming, but spring is creeping in on little frog song and robin wings.

Bright spots of tiny Blue eyes (veronica or speedwell) dot the prairie and magenta henbit carpets the fields.

Buzzards, phoebes and red-winged blackbirds.

Forsythia and daffodils bursting forth like sunshine.

Smoke hangs in the air from prairie fires; some hills are blackened, and some already are covered with a green haze of new grass.

Fragrance of freshly tilled earth in the garden.

Blue herons rising majestically from the pond.

Flocks of turkeys gathering. Deer grazing tender new grass in our yard. Gentle rain and soft breezes.

These are the soft signs of spring, sighs as Earth is awakening.

Sometimes, though, it is more like a sleeping giant awakening from hibernation: stretching and clearing its lungs with great gusts of wind, blowing limbs off trees and threatening to turn everything inside out. Lashing lightening and booming thunder. Filling the creeks with rushing water.

These storms—or showers—will bring more flowers.

Yes, one way or another, it's Party Time.

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